Frequently Traveller definitely wondering about how to protect and stay safe from Corona while travelling. Corona Virus that emerged from Wuhan, China in December month and spreading around the globe. Sing of Coronavirus infection is fever, coughing, breathing issue, cold and runny nose. At a later stage, the Corona Virus can cause pneumonia, kidney failure. WHO also said it is not deadly but it can kill. Due to Corona Flights has been cancelled, stock market down, Oil Price dropped, affecting the economy, movie postponed, get together prog cancelled etc. we are hearing these type of many news which highlights how big the concern of Coronavirus. So it is advisable to keep yourself safe while travelling. Here are a few tips which can help in protect against Coronavirus.
Wash Your Hand Frequently
WHO recognised to wash hand with alcohol-based hand rub or wash it with soap and water.
Maintain Distance
Maintain a distance of around 3 feet from anyone who is coughing and sneezing. spray small liquid droplet may have contained a virus. If possible avoid the place where a gathering of people.
Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose and Mouth
Hand touch may pick the virus and can transfer it to eyes, nose and mouth by touching it. From there virus can enter into the Body.
Cover Cough and Sneeze
Cover your mouth and nose with you sneeze or cough. Through used tissue in the dustbin and immediately wash the hand.
Use a Face Mask
When you are at congested place, it is advisable to wear a face mask. The N95 mask is recommended worldwide.
Go to the Doctor if found symptoms
If you have symptoms then make sure you must have to visit the doctor as this may due to virus.

For More information on Coronavirus visit CDC website, WHO website and worldometers. if you have any tips plz comment so that it may helpful.
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